Time: 1hr 30mins

Serves: 6


6 Chicken legs

6 cloves of garlic

300ml white wine

200ml water

1tsp fleur de sel

1tsp hot paprika

1tsp dried rosemary

1tsp white pepper

3 sticks of celery

2 carrots

1 red onion

100g peas

Bunch of fresh mint

500g new potatoes

3 glugs of olive oil

4 bay leaves



  1. Switch oven on to 180°
  2. Place pan of water on the stove with a pinch of salt and bring to the boil.
  3. Put chicken legs in bowl.
  4. Peel, crush & chop garlic into small dice. Add to chicken.
  5. Mix pepper, salt, paprika & rosemary. Keep half in a bowl for use later. With the rest, stir in one glug of olive oil.
  6. Put in the bowl with the chicken & garlic and using your hands, mix and rub all in to the legs, so they are totally covered.
  7. Place the legs skin side down in a deep, oven proof bowl with lid. Scrape out all the mix & garlic and add to the chicken. Add bay leaves.
  8. Pour in the wine & water and place the lid on. Put in oven and cook for 1 hour. Then take out and carefully turn the legs over and pop back in the oven for another 30 mins.
  9. Whilst the chicken is cooking, put the potatoes in the boiling water and cook for 15-20 until cooked. (If some potatoes are much bigger than others, cut in half before cooking). Then drain and leave in colander.
  10. Dice the onion, celery and carrots. Put into a deep sided frying pan or wide saucepan with the a glug of oil and put on medium heat.
  11. Chop the mint and add to the vegetables. Stir well then add the peas. Turn heat down if cooking to quickly. You don’t want the vegetables to start burning.
  12. Tip the potatoes into a bowl and add the remaining seasoning & oil and mix well. The using the back of a folk, gently crush each potato to squash each one slightly.
  13. Remove chicken from oven and place each leg skin side up, on top of the potatoes. Pop them back in the oven for 15 mins.
  14. Drain the cooking liquor from the chicken through a sieve, over the vegetables and turn heat down to lowest setting.
  15. To serve, place one large tablespoons of vegetables in the centre of each plate. Place the chicken leg on top and spoon a portion of potatoes into a separate dish to the side. Sprinkle with a little fleur de sel.